Tuesday, October 03, 2006

spillway repair and drawing down the lake

In order to perform necessary repairs of our concrete spillway, the lake will temporarily be lowered approximately three feet, beginning Monday October 2 or soon thereafter. The Indian Lake Board of Directors requests that all watercraft be removed from the lake prior to 6 PM on Sunday October 1. If you need assistance removing your boat, call Jeff VanTreese at 627-0738 on or before Friday September 29.

This may provide a good chance for residents to work on seawalls, docks and shoreline stabilization projects.

What are the repairs about?
Over time, the concrete wingwalls of our spillway have deteriorated due to weathering. Recent IDNR inspections have cited this and the wingwalls must be repaired. A similar repair was done in the late seventies. The spalling concrete will be mechanically removed, and a new surface layer of shotcrete applied. The firm contracted to do the project came with strong recommendations from the City of Indianapolis DPW, and provided the most competitive bid of the three companies who bid the job.

What if I don't remove my boat?
Removing boats is recommended because there is no guarantee on how much the lake will be lowered or for how long. The Indian Lake Improvement Association or its members will not be liable for any damage or injuries that may occur as a result of not removing watercraft by the specified date.

When will the lake level be restored?
If the weather cooperates and the repair work goes as planned, the project will be completed and the lake level restored by mid to late October. If there is a storm, the work will be halted and the lake will need to be drawn down again before work can resume.